Wednesday had been dreamt about, praised, and cherished in our minds as the day we wouldn’t have to be out long in the sun. At twelve o’clock, we were sent home with the satisfaction of fulfilling the duties we were sent here to complete so far. The roofing team almost done constructing, and the main sight is finally clean! We caught a glimpse of the house we will be ripping down tomorrow and Friday (the weeds, thorns, and exotic bugs gave us a minor heart attack).
After lunch at home, we split into groups with one group going to Breaks Interstate Park, and the other making a stop at Wal*Mart. At BIP on the KY-VA boarder Peter, Alex and Charlie enjoyed a leisurely paddleboat ride. While out in the water, Joey decided to play a joke on them by telling the man managing the boats to let Peter and the rest think they owed money for every extra minute they were out there. When Peter heard of this, he didn’t exactly take it well, especially when the boy managing showed him the contract he “signed.” At least Joey got a laugh.
The group leaving for Wal*Mart stopped to get groceries and showed up at the park just a little late (right when the park was closing). The shopping got done, and we took a few dips in the pool to relax after this 110-degree weather! The car rides were filled with laughs and giggles and Dennis gets an incredible amount of credit for listening to five teenage girls gabbing all day!
Roger went to an underground coal mine owned by an old friend and took a tour around. The coal seam was 7 feet thick and is extracted mechanically with very little labor. Surprisingly, the air in the mine is very clean and the whole operation is designed for safety. The coal is dumped in a truck and taken to a processing plant where it is cleaned and grated. It is then shipped out by train to power plants across the country.
We all met up and went out to dinner at the Pine Mountain Grill. The food was amazing and we all had a wonderful time.

What else can I rake?

Swimming anyone?

With a pick and shovel...

No sittin' down on the job here...